OkMap is a GPS mapping program that will allow you to import different map formats and plan routes or organize outdoor events.
OkMap comes with a user-friendly interface that includes an easy-to-use drop down menu and a handy toolbar with shortcuts for dozens of functions.
In order to be able to properly use this tool, you should be familiar with terms like vectorial and hybrid maps, cartography, toponyms, latitude / longitude. The program will allow you to work with multiple maps at the same time. I find this software very useful for planning events that might involve GPS mapping, events like an off-road competition, a boat racing competition or trekking. OkMap can connect through your computer or laptop to a GPS navigational device and inform you on your position in real time.
Furthermore, you can customize the maps by adding comments or transparent text for each track or waypoint. For example, if you know there is a deep gap in a certain area, you can put warning sings on the map so you can avoid it. OkMap can download DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and help you add a set of reference points on the Earth's surface against which position measurements are made. All projections will be updated according to different scales.
OkMap is a sophisticated program for planning and drawing routes using tracks and waypoints.